Sunday 20 January 2013

My Dad's 70th Birthday

    Today is my Dad's 70th Birthday.  I am not sure how it is possible.  In my head my Dad is 40, but then I know that's not possible because I'm turning 42.  70 seems like such a big number, and yet my Dad does not seem old.  What I know is that I am very lucky to have my Dad, and really the last 10 years have been borrowed time.
    Ten years ago my Dad had a massive heart attack.  It was one of the scariest times of my life.  I did a lot of praying while we waited in the intensive care waiting room, waiting for them to stabilize him, waiting for them to save his life.  It was pretty touch and go.  I could not imagine a world that did not have my Dad in it.  My Dad, the man who silently stands on the sidelines, always present, always watching, but quiet.  The man who dotes on my children, the man the kids adore.

    To turn 70 is a blessing, well to me at least.  Christopher lost his father Don to ALS when Don was only 65 years old.  My Mother's father died of stomach cancer when I was 2 1/2, he was 65.  65 seems to be the number to pass.  I look at the void that has been left in Christopher's life since his father passed away.  I cannot imagine a world that does not include my father.  70 is a beautiful, beautiful number.


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